
The Bible tells us that when we worship we are actually entering into the presence of God, as well as the angels, and all those who have passed away in this world and are now with their Saviour.

Since we believe this, we feel that our worship should not have a worldly feel to it, but should remind us that we have entered a new realm; a Heavenly realm.

This is why we sing some of the songs that we know the angels sing (Isaiah 6, Luke 2, and Revelation 6) and we also sing the hymns that God's people have sung for hundreds if not thousands of years. When the church gathers for worship, those of the present, the past, and the future are mysteriously united together. Divine Service is a celebration of this. At St. Matthew we participate in Historical Liturgical Worship, which is based on the services used by the Church from its' inception.

Divine services are normally held every Sunday at 9:30 am in the German language, and at 11:00 am in English; occasionally we combine for a bilingual service. We also have special services on other days, such as Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter, as well as evening mid-week services during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Please check the latest Calendar for the month's schedule.

Every Sunday we celebrate the Lord's Supper because we believe that Jesus personally interacts with His people through Holy Communion. In this meal we are fed with the very body and blood of Christ (Matthew 26). This side of heaven you cannot get closer to God than at the Lord's Supper. It is a wonderful gift.

Bible Study and Sunday School

Please check the latest calendar for the Sunday School schedule (normally every second Sunday during the sermon), and the opportunities for Bible study during the month.


Baptism is one of the wonderful gifts that God gives to His people. Through Baptism a person becomes part of the heavenly family of God, and God promises never to leave or forsake those who are part of His family. We baptize people of all ages because this gift is available to everyone. If you would like to be baptized we encourage you to talk to the Pastor.


Confirmation is a time in a person's life when they confirm their faith. This often involves a period of time studying the basics of the Christian faith. For young people it is a time that they begin to take responsibility for their own faith. Up until this point their parents assumed responsibility. The tool we use for confirmation of both young people and adults at St. Matthew is called Catechesis.


Weddings are just one part of the spiritual care we offer at St. Matthew. If a couple is only interested in a wedding ceremony they would probably be better served by a Marriage Commissioner. However, if they view marriage as just one of the ways the church can help in their spiritual nurturing, then they are encouraged to contact the Pastor.


Like weddings, funerals are just one part of the spiritual care that the church offers. Normally funerals are conducted for those who are involved at St. Matthew and their family members. There are times when exceptions are made. Please contact the Pastor for more information.